Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trying to keep up.

Well, I have been working on developing more strength on the rings especially in maneuvering my body through different positions while maintaining decent to semi-decent form. One skill in particular that I have been working is part of a simple routine. It consists of starting from a hanging position with a false grip into a muscle up to support. From here I do a forward roll to support which is essentially another muscle up. I do this as many times in a row as my body will allow for each set.

This is particularly difficult especially if you are week in the area of muscle ups. I will post a video as soon as I get one together. In the mean time give it a try! Coach Chris Sommer wrote a great article that I came across today that gives some great detail to how this is done his routine includes more skill and strength than mine as it contains more movements. Take a look at his article! When it comes to gymnastics strength training Coach Sommer wrote the book! http://gymnasticbodies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=620

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