Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Handstand Push Ups

Handstand Push Ups (HSPU) are another essential skill that must be a part of any gymnastics conditioning program. HSPU are extremely effective in the development of shoulder, triceps and chest strength. Before attempting these babies it is important that you are able to hold an unassisted handstand for at least 10 to 15 seconds.

Start by using a wall to assist you in maintaining your balance as you move through the range of motion.

Face away from the wall and place your hands on the ground in front of you. Raise your feet and walk them up the wall until you are in the handstand position. From here you want to work to maintain your balance as you begin the pressing movement. Work hard to use the wall as minimally as possible. This is strictly to train your balance. Once you develop the required strength and balance you will be able to do them with out the wall.

Good luck and train hard. I hope this video helps give you an image of what they look like.

1 comment:

TheMoneyNerd said...

I am still working on being able to consistently perform strict HSPU without the wall. Make sure to check back for updates and new tutorials.